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In 2005 a primary school, pit latrine and rainwater collection system was built in Nkonya, Uganda for Maranatha Schools.

The completed school in Nkonya built in 2005.

Our team: Andy, Larry, Arik, Rebekah, Dan, Mike and Joe along with our friend Lillian.

Our team with other visitors from Colorado.

Stewart family on the foundation for the Nkonya school.

Nicole and friends from Nkonya.

Joe and Mike working hard on laying bricks.

Brick tossing!

Susie and Rebekah assist Dr. Larry with check-ups in Nkonya.

Nicole and Arik with friends in Mityana.

Susie and Nicole cuddling kids at a soccer game between Ugandans and Mzungus (white guys) in Mityana.

The children of Nkonya perform for our team.

Mike, Andy, Dan and Joe at the Nkonya construction site.

Susie, Rebekah and Nicole join Eva and Joselyn for church in Mityana.

Children of Uganda coming out to see what we are all about.

The whole village of Nkonya came out to celebrate the new school!

Dr. Larry gives check-ups to children in Nkonya.

Mike delivering Operation Christmas Child boxes in Mityana.

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