This year's Celebration was AMAZING! Read below for some recaps and click to watch the videos. There are also some things below that we didn't have time to show on Saturday.
Check out this video of Dave sharing information about recent happenings with True Impact in Uganda. He updated us on the school building in Kigalama, the recently purchased bus, renovations on the teacher's dormitory and the farmland. Dave also explained Other Ways you can help True Impact. Some ways that don't cost you a penny.
Andy provided information on this year's and next year's trips. If you have ever thought about going on a mission trip, check out info on our previous trips and contact us for more information or to get registered. He also introduced Heather, who is our new sponsorship coordinator and talked about sponsorship.
Andy then shared about Grace, a longtime friend of True Impact who died last week due to complications during childbirth. Grace worked at Maranatha and also has taken in orphans herself. Check out a video I did with her last year.
Andy is also available to speak to any group with which you would like to share True Impact. Whether it is a church or small group or anything in-between. This is how we get the word out about the work True Impact is doing. Contact us to make arrangements.
Andy and Dave took a few minutes to interview Maggie. Check out this video to learn about what she does in Uganda, her perspective on sponsorship and the mentorship program which she started.
Here are links to the video's we shared on Saturday. Please follow us on YouTube, click the 'Thumb's Up' and share each video.