Please join True Impact Ministries in our united, worldwide, day of prayer
Tuesday January 12, 2021

As you pray for Uganda and True Impact Ministries today, rest in the promise of God’s Presence and Peace as we take time to reflect on 2020 and perhaps refocus our thoughts and actions.
“Whatever is true, whatever is honorable, whatever is just, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is commendable, if there is any excellence, if there is anything worthy of praise, think about these things. Whatever you have learned and received and heard and seen in me—practice these things, and the God of peace will be with you.”
Philippians 4:8,9
Pray for the Nation of Uganda
The Ugandan presidential elections will be held on Thursday, January 14. Pray for peace and resolution as the political unrest continues. We have seen violence and division in our own country. Reread the passage above and pray for Uganda, the children and leadership of True Impact to focus their thoughts and actions on truth, justice and all things worthy of praise.
Pray for the Leadership of True Impact
The election results will provide more information about Uganda schools and educational opportunities for our students and ministry sites. Just as we did in December, pray that our leadership will together seek after God and understand His direction as we support our children. May God provide clarity to any uncertainty. God promises something new: a roadway in the wilderness (Isaiah 43:19). May the pathway ahead be certain.
Pray for the Children
Pray for the little children to have motivation and resources for learning, as many remain scattered among family and guardians. Pray for each child to know safety and love and belonging.
Pray for the older children who have missed an entire year of school. May they find peace and joy in the Presence of Christ and be encouraged to continue in their educational pursuits. May they remain pure and safe and may their thoughts and actions seek after honor and excellence.
Pray for the Testing Candidates in Primary 7, Secondary 4,6 who returned to school in October to study for the national exams (currently scheduled in March). May God provide strength, knowledge and understanding to prepare well, and may they know a sense of family and community support as they gather together after months of isolation.