Please join True Impact Ministries in our united, worldwide, day of prayer.
November 8, 2022

As we connect across the continents and join today for our monthly day of prayer, fix your hope on the living God who hears you as you talk with him. He desires strength and goodness for his children. Speak verse 12 as a prayer of blessing over our children involved in True Impact Ministries.
For it is for this we labor and strive, because we have fixed our hope on the living God, who is the Savior of all people, especially of believers. Teach these things:
Let no one look down on your youthfulness, but rather in speech, conduct, love, faith and purity, show yourself an example of those who believe.
I Timothy 4:10-12
November is a month dedicated to testing and evaluations for students in Uganda. Many exams are still individually graded and final scores may not be given until months later, but this school year will be complete.
Please pray for all our children to find endurance and encouragement from their heavenly Father. May they remember the lessons they have been taught and find a clear vision and joy as they look to the future. Bless those who will be tested in their faith and values. Help them to stand firm.
Pray also for the many leaders in Uganda who are dedicated to guiding, loving and teaching our students about their conduct, faith, and words. May God provide wisdom and grace to each one.
Pray for funding for a new van at Salem and the mentorship program in Jinja and Christmas gifts for Maranatha and all.
November is also a time of Thanksgiving for many.
We are thankful today for a full year of school in Uganda and new hope for the students.
Praise God for his continued direction and provision for the ministry of True Impact. Praise him for the freedom to worship and share Jesus’ love in action and in truth.
If you are a sponsor, please thank the Lord for your special student(s).
Pray for protection from the spread of Ebola in Uganda and healing for those who are affected.